Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Fabulous Food Show Giveaway

I like to start Mondays off with a bang, so let's kick off this week with a fun ticket giveaway.

The annual Fabulous Food Show is just around the corner, and this year's lineup of celebrity chefs is pretty exciting.
For the Bravo fans out there: Tom Colicchio, Marcus Samuelsson, and Hugh Acheson will all be in Cleveland this year. And, wait for it...MARTHA STEWART! Just to name a few.

The event takes place at the IX Center, featuring more than 450 exhibitors and 100 live demonstrations.  It is open from 10AM - 6PM daily, from November 8th - 10th. This year, the event is also partnering with the International Beer Fest. Foodie and craft beer lovers unite under one roof! Check out both event websites for more information on passes and demonstration times.

Personally, I always love attending the Fabulous Food Show. Browsing the vendors always brings new products home with us, and I try and catch at least one chef demonstration. Some of our local chefs are highlighted as well, and they do a great job. Stick around, and you'll get to sample whatever they are cooking up.

The event is family-friendly, parking is available for a fee in the IX Center parking lots, and it's a great way to spend a weekend day. This year, adults can sample wine, spirits, and craft beer with the addition of the International Beer Fest. It might lead me to purchase more on the exhibitor floor!

There are single day, and three-day passes available. A General Admission ticket is $25. Tickets to the General Admission International Beer Fest Grand Tasting (Saturday 7:30PM - 10:00PM) are separate, and are $45 each. Additional ticket packages are available for both events.

Or, you can win two General Admission tickets to the Fabulous Food Show by commenting on this blog post! Just leave me a comment below, telling me which of the participating celebrity chefs you'd want to go watch. Tom, I'm coming for you! I will select a winner, using, on Friday, November 1st. Good luck!

Disclosure: The Fabulous Food Show has provided me with four tickets to the 2013 event. Two to be used in a random giveaway, and two media passes. All opinions stated are 100% my own. Thank you to the IX Center and Fabulous Food Show for the opportunity.


findmeonline said...

I'd love to see Tom Colicchio and Martha Stewart!

JMacK92 said...

Never been to the food show, would love to go watch Sunny!

deanna said...

I really like Alex on Chopped and I think she is a great chef!

6502Programmer said...

I'd want to see Hugh. He seems so interesting whenever he pops up on Top Chef!

Unknown said...

I would love to see Alex Guarnaschelli! :)

Courtney Hoekstra said...

I'm a pretty big Tom Colicchio fan. He is awesome.

Unknown said...

I'd love to take my wife to see Martha!

All Lacquered Up said...

Martha is great and all but I want to see Tom in all his big bear hotness!

Holly said...

I would like to see Martha. YOLO.

Unknown said...

I have to say, would LOVE to see Martha!!

eatdrinkcleveland said...

I'd love to see Tom too! And Martha.

Crystal @EatDrinkClev

Sarah said...

You can never have too much Martha in your life! :) I would definitely love to go see her!

clevekid1 said...

I'd love to see Tom Colicchio and Martha Stewart!

Anonymous said...

Seeing Martha would be amazing!

llipps said...

I have to agree with you and say Tom!

Lemon said...

I enjoy going to the show, try to go every year. Would love to see Tom Colicchio!

@LauraFromOhio said...

Martha Stewart is so classic..Must see her

Jason Burchaski said...

Tom Colicchio hands down winner, wouldn't mind Martha either.

Unknown said...

My must see is Sunny! Great dishes.

Unknown said...

Tom Tom Tom!!! He is my fav!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great event, would love to go! Bet Marcus Samuelsson is gonna be awesome in person!

Anonymous said...

Nice! You always have such awesome giveaways, ha. For me, I'd have to say it's Sunny Anderson!

Unknown said...

I want to see Alex AND Marcus!!

test123 said...

Born in 1991, I did not know a home without a copy of Martha Stewart Living on the coffee table. Instead of watching Rugrats and Spongebob, I asked my mom to tape the Martha Stewart Living show for me to watch when I came home from school.

My love for Martha has endured her ups and downs. I remain a dedicated fan and it would actually be a dream come true to see her in person.

Kim Shuman said...

There is only one....Martha Stewart! I can NOT even begin to imagine the chance to see her in person.

PS: She's innocent!

Pat said...

I have not been to this event for years but Tom Collichio.....YES!!!

Destiny said...

I'd love to see Martha.

Nikkih said...

Tom Colicchio - I love Top Chef!!

Unknown said...

I want to get stock tips from Martha

Unknown said...

I would love, love, looove to see Martha! I've followered her for years, and have a signed headshot of her sitting on my cookbook stand.