I think that everyone in Cleveland was out and about this past weekend- trying to cram every last little bit of summer into one action packed weekend. I kept thinking that "R" and I were laying low and sticking close to home for a quiet Labor Day weekend. Until I took a look at the pictures that I snapped with my camera phone. For a weekend
"spent at home", my camera told a different story.
On Saturday, we were out running errands and decided to swing down Fulton Road to see the
96th Street Rocco Festival. This annual street festival is hosted by the Saint Rocco Church and School, and it spills over into the streets of this eclectic neighborhood. "R" had heard about the famous
Greasy Pole Climb that takes place on Labor Day, and he finally persuaded me on Monday to actually attend the festival. Needless to say, we missed the pole climb by minutes. Just minutes. I'd like to pretend that it wasn't my fault, but I admit that I took too long getting ready and therefore we only saw the aftermath of the competition. From what we did see- it looked like it would have been quite the sight!

As we walked back to the car, we did see the gem pictured to the left. It was seriously the
MOST FLOWERS that I have ever seen on one house. Another festival goer that was walking down the sidewalk commented to the owner (
who happened to be sitting on the porch) that it was "very eye-catching". I love flowers, but come on. How many hours a day do you have to spend watering all of those hanging baskets and flower boxes?! Impressive. At least they were all looking healthy and fresh, which is more than I can say for my own. This brutal humidity and end-of-summer heat has driven me inside to the air conditioning, and I've been a neglectful plant owner.

During our excursions this past weekend, we also swung through one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall bars in Parma for the best gyro in Cleveland.
Fergie's seriously has the best in town, and it had been a long time since I've had one- so both "R" and I were craving a good gyro. It's all in the sauce. That, coupled with a tall cold beer, was a great addition to our weekend. Monday was the busiest day- filled with a two hour motorcycle ride, watching the
Air Show, lunch at Edgewater Park, and board games at home with a glass of wine on our patio. It was a perfect end to the long weekend, and overall a great Labor Day holiday! It was just what I needed before heading into a crazy week at work. What did you do over the weekend? Any last minute summer plans while the weather is still nice? I'm still clinging to the hope that we have a few nice days left for us in Cleveland before fall entirely sets in.
This is my favorite part of the year, the days are warm, the nights are cold, and there's clambakes everywhere!! Speaking of which, will you please let me know if you see any restaurants hosting them? Thanks!!
@Cleshopaholic Just check out the Friday magazine in the Plain Dealer. There are lots of restaurants advertising clambakes.
@BiteBuff I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that the home owner was German or Austrian. They are very proud of their geraniums. It's a cultural thing. Austrian houses practically drip with geraniums.
I was just telling Jay this past weekend how you claim these are the best gyros in town!
@cleshop- I'll be sure to post any that I hear of in the Upcoming Food/Wine Events section on my blog. I'm looking forward to them too!
Heather- I smell a pit stop at Fergie's during our upcoming "drinking night out"!
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