One lucky Bite Buff reader will win two tickets to the official closing event of Beer Week- BREWZILLA. BREWzilla takes place on Saturday, October 23rd from 6-11PM at the Galleria at Erieview in downtown Cleveland. The event wraps up the week by featuring crafts and brews from over 80 breweries. Food pairings are included, courtesy of Heinen's and the Winking Lizard.
General admission tickets are now $50, which includes a tasting glass, 25 taste tickets, unlimited food, and admission from 7-11PM. All proceeds benefit the Malone Scholarship Fund. You can purchase tickets here, or enter to win two tickets through my contest!
I don't pretend to know anything about beer. My selections tend to stay within Bell's Oberon, Blue Moon, and other "light" beers. I am a wine girl through and through. But...I would love to be more knowledgable about beer, and push my tastebuds to sample others. I'm often afraid to try a new beer in fear that I won't like it. So here are three different ways that you can win the pair of BREWzilla tickets...
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite "different" beer is that I should try. No Miller Lights here please!
2. Tweet about this contest on Twitter, and leave another comment on this post letting me know that you did.
3. Become a fan of Bite Buff on Facebook, and I'll enter you to win.
I'll pull a winner on Wednesday, October 6th. Make sure that you leave an email address or another way to contact you in your comment. Good luck! Raaaaarahhhhhh (that was inspired by the "zilla" hehehe).
My most recent new favorite 'different' beer is Southern Tier Pumpking. Its got a lot of great pumpkin pie spice flavor, and its 9% abv!
When I was in college in Ithaca, NY, my go to beer was ithaca Brewing Company's Nut Brown. Very excited to see that Ithaca Brew has expanded to Cleveland over the past year.
Also, I tweeted the contest (@JDDrake) & became a fan on Facebook. Enjoying your posts! Keep it up!
I'm not a big beer fan either, but Jay's favorite is Fat Tire and he swears up and down by it!
I'm already a fan on FB!
Oh, and I just tweeted about the contest, too.
Great giveaway - I just sent the link to Jay yesterday about this!
I realized you couldn't contact me if I won, so my twitter is @fishface74.
I retweeted and became a fan on facebook also.
A new beer, that I LOVE, from Great Lakes Brewing Company is The Wright Pils. GLBC describes it as "classic pilsner style beer with a flowery bouquet and elegantly dry finish." It's very nice and refreshing, I first sampled it at Oktoberfest last weekend.
I'm spreading the word on facebook and Twitter @kimhenderson. :)
I would say Fat Tire but you can't find it here. Second choice Southern Tier Creme Brule Stout. They have it at Lilly's and the Giant Eagle on W117th.
And how about if I win, I will take you (if you don't already have tickets yourself :-) )
Golden Monkey! :)
I suggest Three Floyds Alpha King (which isn't sold in Ohio, but check it out, if you ever find yourself in Indiana), and I'm a HUGE fan of Goose Island Night Stalker (Imperial Stout).
Also, I'm coming back home to Cleveland for this event! So it would be nice to win tickets :)
I usually stick with the wheat beers you mentioned, but on a recent trip to California, we went to the Russian River Brewery, that is known for their IPA's, and I tried the Pliney the Elder. It was delicous!
I completely relate to your preference for wine over beer. For years, my husband enjoyed both wine and beer, while I only joined in on the wine drinking.
Many wine drinkers started out with crap wine and slowly worked their way from the sweet (white zin, anyone?) to Merlots and Zinfindel and then on to Cabs and Pinots. I think beer can be a similar journey. An event like Brewzilla offers a great opportunity to sample a ton of different styles and brewers. Take note of what you definitely don't like and what you might eventually grow to like. I found that I definitely did not like hops but I did like stouts. Now, my husband has decided that he wants to be able to share the high alcohol 22oz hop bombs with me, so I'm in "hop training!"
Given solely my personal palate, I would suggest you try Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. However, it sounds like you might enjoy something like Southern Tier's HopSun.
I would suggest trying something a little hoppier, but with a familiar taste- like Dogfish Head's Aprihop. Or, as suggested earlier, a Pumpkin beer. Hoppin Frog's Double Pumpkin is fantastic, available at Heinen's and just won gold at GABF! It's called Frog's Hollow.
Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone! Keep 'em comin'!
I am a hop head and love Imperial IPA's. Southern Tier Unearthly is one of my favorites.
Not sure if I have to leave a separate comment for each entry but I "liked" you on facebook.
I LOVE brown ales, and my favorite one to drink just for the flavor is Rogue Hazelnut Honey Brown. It's a GREAT example of a good brown ale; smooth, dark, and delicious! It comes in a BIG bottle (22 oz) or on tap some places (Tremont Tap House being one of my picks!). Hope you enjoy!!
I am now a fan on FB
I tweeted this contest also!
STRONGBOW! Its my fav. and Stella Artois too. I used to be a Miller Light girl - but these i love!
I just tweeted about the contest on Twitter!
I totally agree with the Southern Tier Pumpking and Creme Brulee Stout suggestions. I love just about anything Southern Tier puts out. I visited the brewery on my way home from the Finger Lakes and brought home their Choklat Stout. It's sinfully delicious.
However, based on the beers you mentioned I highly recommend you try Indigo Imp Blonde Bombshell. Not only is it a local beer (yay!) but it's really unique tasting. Slightly floral, fruity and refreshing. Heinen's carries it.
And I tweeted it
I am a beer snob and am a big fan of the Belgian ales like Duvel or Grimbergen. But if there is Reisdorf Koelsch in a bar I go with that since I lived near Cologne for six years.
I don't have a favorite brand of beer per se, but favorite types. My favorite beers are the malty ones. And this time of year is when all the good Oktoberfest and Marzen beers are around. Nice and malty. Don't be afraid of a darker beer or a stout. they are not necessarily heavy and offer deep flavor. That said a great place to try lots of different types is Brewzilla or a place like Fatheads brewpub in North Olmsted. I'm on Twitter as @jukebox65. And will mention the article.
California IPA's....Racer 5 in particular.
Try out Southern Tier harvest. It's a wet hop, and an ESB. So Good!
That's a lot of steps to enter, hope i win, I just tweeted under name "Swagmasterman" posted my recent fav, and am off to like you on FB. Email is swagmaster at gmail.com
Thom- To clarify, these are three DIFFERENT ways that you can enter. This gives readers an opportunity to enter more than once and increase their chances to win. Thanks for commenting, and good luck!
Try this Coffee Flavored stout by Troegs called Java Head Stout. It is packed with flavor and I think you will really enjoy it!
I'm all signed up.
1. Posted my beer for you to try.
2. I just tweeted @BiteBuff the link directly to your post for all my followers to see.
3. I was already a fan of yours on Facebook!
If I am lucky enough to win my email is clevelandfoodandbrews@gmail.com
ps...Can you add my blog link to your Foodie Blogs List please :) (you are on my my list of favorites!)
You should definitely give Founders Breakfast Stout a try if you love coffee. It is a very robust, "big" beer. However, I've found that non-beer drinkers love the prominent coffee taste. It's an excellent fall beer!
I also just tweeted it (CleCraftBeerRun)
Bite Buff,
I really enjoyed your post. It is always nice to see when people want to learn more about beer.
So you like Blue Moon. If you like Blue Moon you will like Cleveland's own Great Lakes Holy Moses White Ale. It is the same style (Witbier or Belgian Wit) as Blue Moon but with better flavor. Blue Moon is bland for the style. Oh...and Holy Moses is one of my favorite beers for that style.
I also tweeted about this contest, and became a fan of our facebook page. I look forward to reading more of your blog and adding it to my blog roll.
Hi there my name is David. You said that you like "light" beers.
If you are not familiar with Froach Heather Ale from Heather Ale Ltd., Scotland, then I think you would like this beer. Below is a description of it I found online.
"Brewed in Scotland since 2000 B.C. heather ale is probably the oldest style of ale still produced in the world. From an ancient Gaelic recipe for "leann fraoich" (heather ale) it has been revived and reintroduced to the Scottish culture. A light amber ale with floral peaty aroma, full malt character, a spicy herbal flavor and dry wine like finish."
I have just posted on Twitter. Thanks and have a great day.
My favorite beer is pear cider- they have it at Melt and The Buckeye Beer Engine! It's so light and delicious!
My favorite new beer is Kamm's Lager, found only in 9 bars in the Kamm's Corners area. A mid-hoppy golden lager at 5.5% ABV. Great stuff!
Steve Lorenz, aka @Tweetmeslow
Three Philosophers is one of my favorites.
Camille Urban @ClevelandDines on Twitter.
My favorite is Great Lake's Nosferatu. It only comes out a few times a year, but it's worth the wait.
I would recommend La Chouffe, an excellent unfiltered Belgian blonde. I think it's a great gateway to better beer, and given your current taste, it might be a good transitioning point. Plus, there's a cute elf on the bottle.
Just tweeted your contest and I'm about to give you the thumbs up on facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win tickets!
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