My first experience was a December 31st game three years ago (now that's new love, right?!? I mean what girl agrees to go to a game and sit outside for almost 10 hours in late December when she could care less about football? Typically not this one, but I did it anyway. True love.) From that tailgate on, I have been blown away at the quality (and quantity at times) of food that comes out of the tailgate party that "R" and his friends throw each home game. From crab-stuffed peppers, home made Philly cheese steak sandwiches, gyros, the "all fried foods" extravaganza (um yuck, I wanted to puke half way through the game from all the grease), home made corn dogs, pineapple chicken sandwiches, a clambake...the list goes on. While the traditional hamburger and hot dog still have a place at many tailgates...I look around and see amazing food, Browns gear galore, interesting home made contraptions, and over-the-top everything from Browns fans. Tailgating in The Pit (our personal favorite) or Muni Lot is quite a sight to be seen. With the game coming up this weekend, I wanted to share a recent tailgate with you...
Our tailgate meals always have to involve this...
They were amazing. "R" outdid himself once again. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures.
Now we all know that tailgate parties are centered around the food and drink, but I did mention gear and contraptions above. What is the best Browns item that you've seen at a tailgate party? The motorized couch in the Muni Lot is legendary. I love the shaggy orange van decorated with carpet, ears, and googley eyes to look like a dog in The Pit. I'd kill for a motorized cooler- they are so bad a**. And the fan outfits, you can't forget those. "R" and his friends haven't taken their "gear" too far (yet?), but I do have to give a shout out to his newly built corn hole boards...
So what does tailgating mean to you? How do you celebrate the Browns games? Where's your favorite spot to tailgate? Here's hoping for another W this Sunday!
OMG, I had to show this post to Jay. He's in love with the cornhole/beer pong/flipcup table!
The grooler never ceases to amaze me! Those sammies look awesome!
I had no idea that tailgating produced such amazing looking food!! I might have to go.
The cornhole / flip cup / beer pong idea is genius. I love the attention to detail (bottle openers). It looks like you have an awesome tailgate!
shut up with your panini sandwiches?!?!?
All are welcome to come find us in The Pit on Sunday, November 28th!
that french fry press kills me. KILLS ME.
also- my new project miiiight be altering my cornhole boards to transform. i'm geeking out over here.
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