Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Are you one of the masses that goes out tonight with friends and family? Or are you spending it at home resting, cooking, and finding the best pair of stretch pants that you own?
A Twitter conversation last night inspired this post.
What's your favorite dish at Thanksgiving dinner? Most of us could pass on the turkey, but can't live without the side dishes!
Here are a few of my standard favorites...
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Green Bean Casserole (
or "Green Bean Bullsh*t" as "R's" family calls it)

Sweet Potatoes

and, of course, STUFFING!

So tell me about your favorite dish, and then go enjoy it tomorrow! Have a wonderful holiday, no matter how you celebrate or who you spend it with. Even if turkey is your favorite dish, we can still be friends.
I love the side dishes too! Dumplings, sauerkraut, an unhealthy amount of gravy, sweet potato casserole...mmm! Happy Thanksgiving!
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